All KindzA Music If you're plan is to get your music recorded, produced and performed, your journey should start right here with ProdFirst package. We'll perform an initial consultation with you to determine how we can help you. After that we give you a written ProdFirst Strategy. This strategy gives you the concrete steps that are necessary to do make a digital recording. Then you can get a chance to work with our experienced musicians and producers to get some post production mixing and mastering done.

Recording in a studio

When you're ready to record in a studio environment, it's smart to have a polished product and spent some time paracting your song or warming up your vocals before arriving. What this does is keep the cost of non-productive studio time down to a minimum. That way you can get the most of of your time in the studio. Here are a few more tips that will help you.

  • Bring a copy of your song
  • Be well rested
  • Be courtious to the studio staff
  • Get relaxed before you arrive
  • Be on time